Generator of problems for practicing REASoNing for AP Physics 1 and 2

This version of the page is full of broken UI elements waiting to be implemented. There is a less broken version at ExplanationJeopardy.php.

Topics (these checkboxes are not yet functional)

Display settings

Problem statement (placeholder)

This space would be for a specified problem. This is not done yet; I am trying to think of how to generate specific problems without literally coding words for every specific mathematical situation (which would defeat the purpose of having a script help human beings to avoid repetitive labor).

Magnetic Poetry® (placeholder)

An HTML5 canvas would go here with magnetic poetry®-style fragments of a written explanation that students would need to drag and drop into a sensible argument. It would be nice to include a button that would "score" student responses in an AP Physics 1 way.

Solution (placeholder)

This section looks a lot like the Explanation Jeopardy section, but, when implemented, the form fields for prepositions and specific details would be filled in with situation-specific words.

# REASoNing step English sentence
State and walk through a relevant Relationship from allowed knowledge According to [name of relationship],
[description of relationship].
State what quantities, if any, are Equal, and why The [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [A]
is the same as
the [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [B]
because ________.
State what quantities, if any, are Altered or different, and why The [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [A]
is [greater|less] than
the [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [B]
because ________.
So what? So, the [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [A]
must be [greater|less] than
the [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [B].
Is there any quantity to analyze Next? (Completing the hypothetical response does not require further analysis).

Problem brainstorming helper (placeholder)

This space would contain a copy of the REASoNing table from Explanation Jeopardy annotated with suggested scenario features. For example, the first row of the table might look something like the following. An instructor could print out a generated brainstorming table and then circle and combine interesting suggestions from the column of suggestions to form various problems. Using this brainstorming table would assist in the generation of ConcepTest-style questions.

# REASoNing step English sentence Brainstorming suggestions
State and walk through a relevant Relationship from allowed knowledge According to the definition of average angular velocity,
the angular velocity of an object is proportional to the object's angular displacement and inversely proportional to the elapsed time.
  • "Alice and Bob are riding a carousel. . . . "
  • "A figure skater is spinning with arms outstretched. Point A refers to the skater's right shoulder, and point B refers to the skater's right hand. . . . "
  • "Alice and Bob compete in a race by running around a circular racetrack. Alice's lane . . . "

Explanation Jeopardy

A student is entering into the REASoNing table below. Propose a sketch of situation(s), a graphical representation of abstracted physical quantities, equations and/or inequalities, and a written problem statement consistent with the student's REASoNing table. Use circled numbers to indicate features of your sketch of the situation(s), graphical representation of quantities, and equations and/or inequalities that correspond to the numbered features in the student's table.

# REASoNing step English sentence
State and walk through a relevant Relationship from allowed knowledge According to [name of relationship],
[description of relationship].
State what quantities, if any, are Equal, and why The [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [A]
is the same as
the [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [B]
because ________.
State what quantities, if any, are Altered or different, and why The [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [A]
is [greater|less] than
the [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [B]
because ________.
So what? So, the [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [A]
must be [greater|less] than
the [quantity] [of/on/in/at/across/through/for] ________ [B].
Is there any quantity to analyze Next? (Completing the hypothetical response does not require further analysis).


This page was created on Thursday, 2018 July 19. There are other types of written explanations (perhaps no quantities worth mentioning stay the same or perhaps changes for multiple quantities should be mentioned before making a final conclusion) that can be made in AP Physics 1 and 2, but I haven't added to this problem generator the ability to present such written explanations. If you inspect the JavaScript code for this problem generator, you will see that all the example relationships that this problem generator can currently deal with relate three quantities in a product-factor-factor or sum-term-term form.


The JavaScript file containing written representations of physics content is ExplanationJeopardy.js, and this file uses the Javascript math library math.js, as well as some rudimentary commands in BasicMath.js.


  1. Eugenia Etkina and Alan Van Heuvelen, "Investigative Science Learning Environment -- A Science Process Approach to Learning Physics," in Research-Based Reform of University Physics, edited by E.F. Redish and P.J. Cooney (American Association of Physics Teachers, College Park, MD, 2007), Reviews in PER Vol. 1, <>.
  2. Alan Van Heuvelen and David P. Maloney, "Playing Physics Jeopardy," Am. J. Phys. 67: 252 (1999), <doi:10.1119/1.19233>.
  3. Katherine L. McNeill, David J. Lizotte, Joseph Krajcik, and Ronald W. Marx, "Supporting Students' Construction of Scientific Explanations by Fading Scaffolds in Instructional Materials," J. Learn. Sci. 15(2): 153-191 (2006), <doi:10.1207/s15327809jls1502_1>.